where all your

pieces fit
local missions
We love our local community.  Part of the reason our founding members established a bilingual church instead of one with two separate services is because they saw a real need in our community for churches to embrace the ever-changing demographics of our beloved Silver Spring.  Uniting together in a spirit of worship was the only conceivable option for us.  We like to get around town too.  From visiting the older generation monthly at a local nursing home to providing transportation to church for those that don't drive to hosting community-wide events, we are happy to do what we can to make this an even greater place to live.  The only thing that's keeping us from doing even bigger and better things is our resources.  That's where you come in.  If you're a firm believer that churches should be an established influence in their community first, before taking on the task of improving communities abroad, or if you simply love this community as much as we do, please give generously to fund future local mission projects.  Simply click here to make your tax-deductible donation.  Don't forget to put "Local Missions" in the message box along with your donation so we know how to designate your gift.  We thank you in advance for your support and dedication to this amazing community of Silver Spring, Maryland that we call home. 
     © 2015 Mosaic Community Fellowship | 622 Hungerford Drive Rockville, MD 20850 |  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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